RIP Jonghyun. Tribute. My Fav Jonghyun Song.
Mungkin agak telat gue nge-posting berita terkait judul ini.
Tapi semalem, gue buka youtube, dan ada video Lee Hi yang menyanyikan lagu Breath, salah satu lagu favorit gue (langsung suka saat pertama kali mendengar awal melodi lagu tersebut. bahkan saat gue nyanyiin di karaoke, temen gue pun terkesima. huahaha..) di acara Golden Disc Award dalam rangka mengenang Jonghyun Shinee.
Jadi, di tengah lagu dalam acara tersebut, Lee Hi sempat tidak mampu
melanjutkan untuk bernyanyi karena dia terlalu terbawa emosi. Sedih ih. Gue juga waktu pertama tau artinya, ngerasa banget sama feeling lagu tersebut. Kebetulan waktu itu gue sedang hacticnya tugas akhir, campur pms. Gue inget, waktu
mau pergi ngampus, berapa kali aja gue ngehela napas, sambil denger
lagu ini, sambil bilang ke diri gue sendiri 괜찮아요, 수고했어, lirik yang
paling dapet banget di lagu ini. (seandainya aja ada juga yang mau bilang ke gue "내가 안아줄게요". wkwkkk..).
Breathe - Lee Hi
숨을 크게 쉬어봐요, 당신의 가슴 양쪽이
Breathe in deeply, Until both sides of your chest get numb
저리게 조금은 아파올 때까지
Until they start to hurt a little
숨을 더 뱉어봐요, 당신의 안에 남은 게 없다고
Exhale more, That there’s nothing left inside of you
느껴질 때까지
Until you feel like that
숨이 벅차올라도 괜찮아요, 아무도 그댈 탓하진 않아
It’s okay if your breath gets short. No one is blaming you
가끔은 실수해도 돼, 누구든 그랬으니까
You can make mistakes from time to time, Everyone else does too
괜찮다는 말, 말뿐인 위로지만
If I tell you it’s alright, I know that it’s only words
누군가의 한숨, 그 무거운 숨을
When someone sighs, A breath as deep as that
내가 어떻게 헤아릴 수가 있을까요
How am I to understand it?
당신의 한숨, 그 깊일 이해할 순 없겠지만
Your sigh, Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth,
괜찮아요, 내가 안아줄게요
that’s okay, I will embrace you
남들 눈엔 힘 빠지는 한숨으로 보일진 몰라도
Even though your sigh may seem cheerless to others
나는 알고 있죠
I know that
작은 한숨 내뱉기도 어려운 하루를 보냈단 걸
Your day was so difficult that it was hard for you to let out even a small sigh
이제 다른 생각은 마요
Don’t think about anything else
깊이 숨을 쉬어봐요 그대로 내뱉어요
Breathe in deeply and exhale just like that
정말 수고했어요
Thank you so much for your hard work
lyric source : alwaysdreaminghigh
Saat pencarian lirik lagu ini, gue nemuin bahwa lagu ini diciptakan oleh Jonghyun Shinee. what?! awalnya gue ga nyangka, ada member kpop yang bisa nyiptain lagu bagus kaya' gini. biasanya kan lagu boyband cenderung ke digital music gitu. so, I'm a little bit surprised. But later, gue baru inget bahwa salah satu lagu IU yang ada di playlist gue juga merupakan ciptaan Jonghyun. Saat itulah gue tau bahwa Jonghyun adalah salah satu pencipta lagu Kpop yang I'm looking forward untuk karya-karyanya ke depan. Yang gue suka dari lagu Gloomy ini adalah nada dan melodinya yang unik (? sorry banget gue bukan orang musik, jadi ga ngerti istilah-itilah di dalam lagu?), ga biasa, tapi seru juga buat didenger. Dan lagi-lagi, beberapa arti dari lirik lagunya bisa dikaitkan dengan kondisi saat gue nyelesai'in tugas akhir.
IU – Gloomy Clock (우울시계) (Feat. Jonghyun of SHINee)
우울하다 우울해, 지금 이 시간엔 우울하다I’m depressed, it’s depressing, at this time, I’m depressed
우울하다 우울해, 지금이 몇 시지? 열한 시 반
I’m depressed, it’s depressing, what time is it now? 11:30
우울하다 우울해, 또 우울시계가 째깍째깍
I’m depressed, it’s depressing, the gloomy clock ticks
우울하다 우울해, 라면 왜 먹었지? 살 찌겠네
I’m depressed, it’s depressing, why did I eat the ramen? I probably gained weight
비가 온다 비가 와 (끈적끈적), 끈적거리게 자꾸 비가 와 (끈적)
It’s raining, it’s raining, making things sticky, it keeps raining
잠이 온다 잠이 와, 그냥 세상 만사 귀찮아
I’m sleepy, I’m sleepy, I’m too lazy to do anything
시간이 흐르면, 가슴 찢어지던 이별도
When time passes, the breakup that tore my heart apart
시간이 흐르면, 이불 걷어찰 어린 기억도
When time passes, the young memories that kicked away at the blankets
잊혀진다 잊혀져 (잊혀진다니까), 그냥저냥 휙휙 지나 가
It gets forgotten, gets forgotten, it just passes right by
잊혀진다 잊혀져, 그땐 그게 전분 줄 알았는데
It gets forgotten, gets forgotten, but back then I thought that was everything
시간이 흐르면, 지금 이리 우울한 것도
When time passes, this depression now
시간이 흐르면, 힘들다 징징댔던 것도
When time passes, the things I said were hard and complained about
한때란다 한때야, 날카로운 감정의 기억이
They will become things of the past, the sharp and emotional memories
무뎌진다 무뎌져, 네모가 닳아져 원이 돼
They will become dull, become dull, like a square wearing down to become a circle
우울하다 우울해, 무뎌져 가는 게 우울하다
I’m depressed, it’s depressing, becoming dull is depressing
씁쓸하다 씁쓸해, 한약을 다려 마신 듯 씁쓸
I’m bitter, bitter, as if I’m drinking herbal medicine
우울하다 (우울하다) 우울해 (우울해), 별 것도 아닌데 우울하다 (우울하다)
I’m depressed, it’s depressing, it’s not a big deal but I’m depressed
우울하다 우울해, 우울우울 열매 먹은 듯 우울
I’m depressed, it’s depressing, as if I’m eating gloomy fruit, I’m depressed
Lyric source : colorcodedlyrics
Akhir tahun kemaren, gue juga sempet shock, kenapa salah satu composer u lagfavorit gue memilih untuk mengakhiri hidupnya.
Sungguh disayangkan karena, kedepannya gue ga bisa lagi menantikan lagu-lagu indah ciptaannya.
Sambil gue ngelihat-lihat playlist di laptop, ternyata gue masih ada satu lagi lagu Jonghyun ft. Taeyon, 숨소리 (Breath). Tanpa disadari ternyata gue nge-fans yak sama lagu-lagu almarhum ini.
Breath (숨소리) - SHINee’s Jong Hyun & Girl’s Generation’s Taeyeon
나도 모르게 전화기를 들고 말았어Without even knowing, I was holding the phone
나야… 참 오랜만이야
It’s me, it’s been a long time
너무 힘이 들어서 잡기도 미안해서
Because it was so hard, because I felt bad if I held you back
너를 보낸 게… 후회돼서 한숨만 쉬는걸
Because I regret letting you go, I just let out a sigh
너무 놀라서 말이 나오지도 않았어
Because I was so surprised, I couldn’t speak
떨리는 가슴만 붙잡았어
I was holding on to my trembling heart
많이 힘든지 지금 어디 있는지
Are you struggling a lot? Where are you?
묻기도 전에 눈물이 흘렀어
Before I could even ask, tears fell down
네 숨소리만 들려도 그래
Just by hearing the sound of your breath
눈물이 이렇게 흘러내리면
When tears fall, even my smallest
아끼던 내 작은 추억들마저도 어쩔 줄 몰라
cherished memories don’t know what to do
너무 아파서 서로 놓아주길 약속했지만
Because it hurt so much, we promised to let each other go
자신 없을 때, 가끔 숨소리라도 들려주길
But whenever I’m not sure I can do it, please let me hear at least your breath
숨을 쉬는 게 매일 눈을 뜨는 게
Breathing, opening my eyes every day,
겨우 하루를 사는 게
barely getting through each day
죽는 것 보다 힘이 든다고 네게 말을 못했어
I couldn’t tell you that those things were harder than dying
걱정할 것 같아서.. 바보처럼 한숨만 쉬는 걸
In case you would get worried so like a fool, I just let out a sigh
하고픈 말이 많아도
There was so much I wanted to say
난 아무 말도 못 하고…
but I couldn’t say anything
다 괜찮다고 서로를 달래고 아파했어
We said that we were okay, comforting each other in pain
다 되돌리면 우린 행복하기만 했어
When I look back, we were only happy,
놓지 못하고 있어
we haven’t let each other go
자꾸 네가 생각 날 땐… 참을 수 없이 힘들 땐…
When I keep thinking about you... When it’s so hard that I can’t take it...
이렇게라도 가끔 숨소리라도 들려주길
Please let me hear at least your breath
Lyric source : colorcodedlyrics
Dari beberapa lagu yang gue punya, memang liriknya syedih-syedih. Apalagi kalo dikaitin sama kisah wafatnya, RIP Jonghyun.