SEINUSTAR - Clothing share service for foreign tourists


Desember lalu, gue dapet kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Korea Selatan. Saat itu udah masuk musim dingin dengan suhu mendekati 0 derajat selsius. Walaupun ga nemu salju, tapi….. dinginnya udara bener-bener bikin orang tropis seperti gue BEKU! Suwer dah kaga’ bohong ini.

Last December, I’ve got a chance to visit South Korea. It’s winter already even though still no snow. But, I feel myself FREEZE because of the cold. Yes, nearing 0 degree celsius is EXTREMELY COLD for tropical people like me.

You can see how cold I am at that time.
(mean temperature 4 degree celsius)
Sebenernya gue emang ga begitu mempersiapkan pakaian musim dingin saat itu. Gue pikir pake banyak lapis baju bisalah ya untuk nahan dingin. Lagian juga pakaian musim dingin kan mahalnya ga ketulungan, lebih-lebih gaji gue sebulan. Pakaiannya yang gede dan tebel bisa-bisa makan space banyak di koper gue yang imut-imut. Dan yang paling penting, pakaian gini ga akan pernah gue pake lagi di Indonesia, entah kapan juga gue bisa liburan musim dingin lagi. Tapi ternyata gue SALAH! satu lapis baju manset, satu lapis baju kaos tangan panjang, satu lapis baju luaran yang agak tebel, satu lapis hoodie, dan satu lapis jaket parasut, GA AMPUH menahan dinginnya Korea Selatan di awal musim.
Honestly, I didn’t prepare my clothes that much for this winter tour. You know, those kind of winter wear is pricey, too big for my luggage, and I’ll be never used this ever in my country (I also don’t know whether I’ll have another chance of winter trip or not). So I decided to wear my ordinary clothes. I think 5 layers of clothes can keep my body warm. But I’m wrong. Big mistake!
Seinustar koreaSeoulmyeongdong
Good quality of Seinustar jacket - My happy face using warm Seinustar jacket beside Joongki oppa banner in K-Star hub - It's not hard for me to smile in cold night of Myeongdong as long as I use this jacket
myeongdong seoulGangnam seoul
With cute rilakkuma in myeongdong - Strolling around Gangnam
(mean temperauter 8 degree celsius)
Seinustar korea
The jumper I used at that time

Nah, di hari terkahir, gue kaya’ kedapetan rejeki nomplok gitu. Dikasih pinjeman jaket dari panitia. Gue pilih jaket biru tebel berbulu angsa. Begitu dibuka, woooouuwwww… temen-temen yang laen pada takjub ngeliat jaketnya. bagus banget! Kelihatan BARU, ga kaya’ abis dipake orang laen berkali-kali. Dan yang paling bikin gue merasa bersyukur banget adalah, ketika gue cek harga jual jaket tsb di internet, OH MY GOD, mahal beuts untuk butiran debu seperti gue ini. Trus seketika gue langsung merasa KECE badddaaaiii pake jaket ini. Wkwkwkwk… Bukan cuma gue, beberapa temen yang laen juga dapet pinjaman jaket kece ini. Asssiiikkkk! Berkat KTO yang minjemin kita jaket dari SEINUSTAR, jadilah kita selamat dari bekunya musim dingin. *ketjup basah. Seirus loh, pake pakaian berlapis-lapis beda banget rasanya sama cuma pake satu jaket ini, bagaikan bumi dan langit. Gue pun bisa berlenggak-lenggok dengan nyamannya di jalanan Gangnam, Itaewon, atau bahkan malam hari di Myeongdong tanpa gemeteran kedinginan. Hotpack-pun ga gue pake lagi. Tau gini kemaren-kemaren gue pinjem jaket ini ajah~

On my last day, there’s like an angel and fortune coming to me. I got a WINTER JACKET from committee. At that time I choose thick blue jumper with raccoon detachable and goose-down padding to warm my body while wandering around in Seoul. The jacket itself is REALLY NICE. It doesn’t looks like have been used for several times, just looks like a new one. What makes me more surprise is, when I check the selling price, OMG it’s so expensive for poor cute little girl like me. Suddenly I feel so cool, lucky, and BLESSED. Kkk.. Not only me, some of my friends also got a chance to wear these fashionable jacket. Yipyeay!. BIG THANKS to KTO who borrowed me a Rent Jacket from SEINUSTAR, we’re safe from freeze winter of South Korea. *hugandkiss. I feel so much comfortable using this good quality of winter wear while strolling around Gangnam, Itaewon, and Myeongdong at night without shivering my body. No need to use hotpack anymore~

Seinustar korea seoul
Members of GWKS 2016 using Seinustar jacket. - You can see how happy us after get that rent jacket.
Itaewon seoul
Wow Korea Supporters Itaewon Team -- Full team of Global Wow Korea Supporteres 2016

Jadi…. Gue sangat menyarankan temen-temen yang mau ke korea di musim dingin ini untuk sewa jaket di SEINUSTAR. Khusunya kalo kalian termasuk backpacker yang mau hemat bagasi. Hehe… Mereka juga punya beberapa koleksi yang sama dengan yang dipake di beberapa K-Drama (seperti Goblin yg lg heboh sekarang). Dijamin foto ketjeh kalianpun akan tetap terjaga untuk dimasukin di IG.

So... this clothing share service is really strongly recommended, specially for a budget traveler from tropical country like me. What makes them worth to try is, they also have some item that being used by Halyu in K-Drama (who’s fans of Goblin here?). They also keep their good quality of product by donating several times rented clothes to the poor.
 Seinustar korea
Seinustar koreaThe rental process is as easy as their reasonable price. You just need to choose what clothes you like to wear (fashionable Jumper, Coat, Jacket, Top, Bottoms and Fashion Goods) through their website, then pick it up at Incheon Airport. Before you go back to your home country, drop back the jacket you rent before at the same place.
Do visit their website now to get 40% DISCOUNT! You’ll also got more discount using this promotion code = QQFTUDUW in your profile and reservation.

Proses sewa jaket di Seinustar mudah kok. Tinggal pilih berbagai jenis pakaian paling kece yang kamu sukai di website mereka. Setibanya di Incheon Airport, kalian tinggal ambil jaket di booth mereka. Sebelum balik ke Indo, silahkan balikin jaketnya di tempat yang sama.
Dengan KUALITAS barang yang BAGUS BANGET, harga yang mereka tawarkan ga bikin kantong jebol. Bahkan sekarang sedang ada promo diskon sampe 50%!. Buru deh kunjungi website mereka sekarang. Jangan lupa pake kode promosi QQFTUDUW di profile kamu waktu pemesanan atau daftar/sign-up melalui link special ini untuk dapetin tambahan diskon!
Kalau ada yang mau ditanya-tanya, silahkan kaka hubungi saya~

Feel free to ask me if you have anything to asked.
한국에서 만나자~!
salam ucupmuuuaaaahhhh...


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