Wandering in Korea
Hello Everyone, specially korean lovers~ It's a story about when me and 3 of my friends visited Korea last October (23 October - 27 October) . Actually, I did write about this trip in some parts but in my country language (bahasa). Then I think it would be better if I write it in english too. Please enjoy reading guys! Wandering in Korea First, when my friend ask me to accompany with her, I think it would be a great opportunity for me to visit korea, specially the date is when the autumn season is happen in Korea. I always want to see the beautiful color of atumn leaves. So, I decided to join her trip. Well, it's my first time visited South Korea, and also my first time did solo traveling. Yap, my friends need to go to another city first, but I decided to just visited Seoul (I don't have much money tbh). I did solo traveling from Bandung (Indonesia) to Seoul (South Korea), alone without anyone that I know and also without travel agency. I'm a brave girl righ...